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Town Council - Special Meeting - 8-21-06


Action Minutes  Page 1  August 21, 2006

TOWN COUNCIL – Special Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Members Absent: Councillor Cary Prague

Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew Galligan

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


3.     Public Participation  -  None

4.     Communications  - None

5.     Town Manager’s Report  -  None

6.     Special Business

A.      Discussion Item  - Possible Referenda Questions to be Placed on November 7, 2006 Ballot

Town Manager Matthew Galligan began by pointing out that Council had been provided with “two pieces of information” this evening—one being a “draft” of the proposed bond Resolution; and the other a “draft” opinion letter
6.      A.  (Continued)

on issues raised suggesting the introduction of additional language to the bond resolution to increase capital every year.  Although “do-able,” Atty. David Panico (of Robinson & Cole) notes in his letter that there are associated problems with doing this.  Mr. Galligan felt that the Town Council needed to address this since it is something that Councillor Pelkey wanted to assure that capital would continue to grow at its current pace.

Mr. Galligan also explained the reason this Discussion Item was being presented at a Special Meeting in August—namely, to allow Council as much time as possible to make an informed decision regarding this proposed Question between now and the September 7, 2006 deadline for  municipal approval of the placement of its Referendum Question(s) on November’s ballot.

The Town Manager then called upon Director of Public Works Michael Gantick to explain, in more detail, the projects being proposed under this Referendum Question.

Mr. Gantick and Town Engineer Jeff Doolittle, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation and handout material, explained that the projects they hoped would be initiated through voter approval of a $9.5 million bond issue would be as follows:

Felt Road Bridge Over Farm Brook  -  $515,000
Main Street Bridge Over Stoughton’s Brook  -  $630,000
Miller Road Culvert Replacement  -  $620,000
Deming Street Widening from Calvary Church to Grandview  -  $310,000
Kelly Road Reconstruction  -  $260,000
Graham Road Culvert, North of Ayers Road   $200,000
Avery Street Drainage by Philip R. Smith Elementary School  -  $260,000
Avery Brook Channel Stabilization  -  $200,000
Avery Brook – Construct culvert Bottoms  -  $90,000
Avery Brook Sedimentation Control  -  $100,000
Rye St. Drainage near East Windsor Town Line  -  $150,000
Main Street Bridge Over Podunk River  -  $930,000
West Road Realignment  -  $190,000
Nevers Road Reconstruction & Drainage  -  $850,000

(List Continued on Next Page)

6.      A.   (Continued)        

Governors Highway Reconstruction  -  $900,000
Foster Street Drainage (Saginaw to Miller)  -  $430,000
Foster Street/Miller Road Intersection  -  $80,000
Long Hill Road Drainage  -  $310,000
Strong Road Drainage  -  $120,000
Strong Road Reconstruction, East of Nutmeg to Rt. 5  -  $700,000
Avery Street/Woodland Drive Pipe Upgrade  -  $190,000
Pleasant Valley Road Bridge Over Podunk River  -  $690,000
Avery Brook Pond/Channel Dredging  -  $70,000
Commerce Way Stream Stabilization  -  $200,000
Scott Drive Stream Erosion  -  $400,000

Mr. Gantick concluded his remarks by informing the Town Council that he felt that this was a “starting point;” and the projects listed represent approximately one-third of the projects identified on the Capital Projects list.    He added that some of the projects discussed this evening, unfortunately, have been on this list for many many years; and, continued to be left unattended, could result in significant public safety issues.

Councillor McCann thanked Messrs. Gantick and Doolittle for the excellent presentation; and pointed out that none of the projects enumerated were “new,” but reiterated the statement made by Mr. Gantick that they had been on the list for years.  The Councillor also mentioned that total “Capital Projects” represent $70 million of expenditures. The idea behind this Referendum, he added, is to allow the Town to “take care of some very significant problems” that have been longstanding, without adding anything new; and, following this, to be in a better position to assess this approach for attending to other capital projects in the future.  

Councillor Havens speculated that this may be the first time, in his memory, that the Town has gone to Referendum to “take care of roads.”  He felt that, taken individually, these projects were “small; and every business needs a good foundation, and it was just good business to fix it now.”  He said he would be supporting the Resolutions to go to Referendum with these projects.  

6.      A.   (Continued)        

Councillor Pelkey, speaking as the Councillor who has served on the Capital Projects Committee for the longest period of time, said the reason he voted against this proposal was because he that Capital Project should be sustained by the Capital Projects Budget by increasing the proposed budget each year with a minimum of $250,000 a year.  However, during budget negotiations for this year’s budget, the capital projects budget was cut from $268,000 to $68,000.  He continued to feel that the additional $200,000 could have gone to any of the projects listed this evening, or any of the remaining projects.  

Councillor Pelkey said his recommendation had been to tie this Referendum Question with a “charge to the Council’ that the Capital Projects Budget be increased each year by $250,000; and, to that end, he had requested, from Bond Counsel, language to accomplish this.

The Councillor then added that a letter received this evening from Robinson & Cole indicated that “it could be done but they didn’t like the way it would muddy the waters.”  Councillor Pelkey said he accepted that; however, remained adamant that something should be done to build up the Capital Projects Budget over time.  

Councillor Pelkey again suggested a $250,000 increase each year; and provided figures as to what the total amount would have been over the past 20 years and the possibility of having done $69 million worth of capital projects in that time period.  The Council said he did not disagree with the projects being considered this time for Referendum; however, he did point out that unless these monies were not put aside for capital projects each year, as suggested, Council would be returning to the voters year after year asking for money to again address capital projects.

The Councillor asked the Town Manager for his ideas.

Councillor Moriarty felt that the “Referendum process” was the best way to get townspeople involved with making long-term decisions for the Town.  He asked that the Referendum Question, itself, not be drafted in such a way as to confuse the electorate.  It should be easily understood.  He also felt that Capital Projects should be funded as they are needed—thus providing some form of control over expenditures--rather than having large sums of money sitting in an account begging to be spent.

6.      A.   (Continued)        

Councillor Yagaloff, stating that he is “a little bit on the fence about this Resolution” even though he agreed with everyone who said that all of these items need to be done.  Continuing, the Councillor said that the problem he had was that this Resolution was about “borrowing money—in this case, $10 million.”  He, too, felt that the Town Council should take measures to “restructure the way we do business” so that sufficient money is put aside each year to guard against the need to “re-bond every five years.”

If this is going to be a repetitive event, Councillor Yagaloff said, he was not certain he could support the proposal.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki thought that the bonding proposal was a good approach to meet the Town’s capital project needs, and would be supporting it.  He pointed out an aspect he thought was being overlooked—that of rising costs each year that a project is delayed.

B.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $4,000 from Contingency Account to the Recreation Special Revenue Fund

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Tow Council hereby approves a transfer of $4,000 from the Contingency Account to the Veterans’ Memorial Park Facility Repairs and Maintenance Account in the Recreation Special Revenue Fund to cover the cost of necessary repairs to the bottom of the “Toddlers Pool” at Veterans’ Memorial Park.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Havens

Town Manager Matthew Galligan introduced Director of Recreation Ray Favreau to explain the size of the area to be repaired; why the need arose; and the cost for said repairs.  Mr. Favreau distributed photos of the area at the Veterans’ Memorial Park Pool in need of repair; and went on to explain that what was being proposed was to remove all the old material in the area being discussed; put a new clean seam-line into the existing plaster; and then replace it with a new generation of the pebble-tech material; and now incorporate vertical and horizontal “expansion joints.”

Following Mr. Favreau’s remarks, and questions posed by Councillors, the Mayor called for a vote on the Resolution.  It was approved, unanimously.

6.      Special Business  (Continued)

        C.      Resolution Rescinding Portion of May 15, 2006 Resolution Authorizing
                The Town Manager to Submit a Grant Application for Phase II
                Improvements to Ellsworth School

WHEREAS, at its Regular Meeting of May 15, 2006, the South Windsor Town Council approved Agenda Item 16. E., a Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the State of Connecticut’s Office of Policy and Management for Phase II Improvements to Ellsworth School Gymnasium; and  

WHEREAS, said Resolution was Amended to include stipulated distances from fixed objects, including walls and stage to be observed prior to any improvements at the facility; and

WHEREAS, the estimated cost for repainting and refinishing 60% of the floor in accordance with the adopted Amended Resolution would result in an additional $11,060 expense to the Town; and

WHEREAS, at this time, the recommendation of Town staff is to use the basketball court as currently lined

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council rescinds paragraph #5 of Amended Resolution 16.E. of the Town Council’s May 15, 2006 Regular Meeting and instructs the Town Manager to proceed with the improvements to the Ellsworth School gymnasium in accordance with the Grant specifications.

Was made by:    Councillor Moriarty
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Councillor McCann made a Motion to Table this item.  No second was received; therefore, the Motion to Table was denied.  

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Resolution.  The Motion was approved 7 Ayes to 1 Nay on a Roll Call vote.  The Nay vote was cast by Councillor McCann.

6.      Special Business  (Continued)

D.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter Into Contracts for The Construction of The Boundless Playground and Waiving Competitive Bidding for Same

WHEREAS, “MY FRIEND’S PLACE,” The Boundless Playground, being built in Nevers Road Park, is ready to solicit Requests for Proposals for various aspects of its construction; and

WHEREAS, a number of local and regional businesses have indicated an interest in offering various combinations of in-kind services, at-cost discounts, and “free” services for this project; and

WHEREAS, the Playground Committee has been furnished by Design Professionals, Inc., a local civil engineering and planning firm, with a complete detailed package of expected costs based on industry standards against which the Committee can compare the various offers being made; and

WHEREAS, this project will be managed by Town staff so that the coordination of these various special offers can be best evaluated and implemented in a timely fashion

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby waives competitive bidding for all aspects of this project and leaves the acceptance and coordination of contracts and donations in the hands of the Town Manager and his staff.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Fine
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

7.      Executive Session  -  None

8.      Motion to Adjourn - A Motion to adjourn was made at 9:00 p.m., duly seconded, and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council